Monday 4 May 2015

Family day out

Hi everyone, seeing as this bank holiday weekend is almost over I thought I'd share with you what I did yesterday.
As you can probably tell from the title, I went out with my family.
First of all we went to techniquest; which for those of you who don't know is a place where there's loads of cool science stuff but made fun. We stayed there for a few hours so by the time we were out of there it was probably about 5:30. 
This would have been the perfect time to go and get some dinner / brunch? 
Well it would have been apart from the minor detail that we had to wait 30 minutes before we could actually get a table! 
In the meantime we decided to stop off for a well needed starbucks (because you can never have enough starbucks)
By the time we had finished we walked back over to pizza express and thankfully we got a table in the end.
I had a lovely meal with both a starter, main and dessert! However, I only took a picture of the main (below) 

Once I got back I decided to take a long, relaxing bath which was the perfect end to a lovely day! 
I hope you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend!
My life in a blog


  1. That sounds so much fun!
    Loving your blog so far. Gonna go follow you now x

    Keep smiling!
    InnerSmile xxx

    1. It was! I don't usually have that many days out with my family (all of us together) so it was so nice. Thank you so much I love yours too! x


Thanks for reading everyone! x