Monday 11 May 2015

Makeup haul

Hello everyone!
Today I thought I'd do something different from what I usually post.
Seeing as I went to boots on the weekend I thought it would be the perfect time to write a blog about the products that I bought and show you what they are.
Firstly, I would just like to tell you that I haven't tried most of them out yet but from the reviews and good things that I've heard about them, they should be amazing.
And secondly I'd like to point out that I don't tend to spend much on makeup at the moment seeing as I'm only in the beginners stage at doing makeup. So these products aren't expensive at all and are really affordable for pretty much everyone!

First up is the Rimmel London blusher in pink rose (number 020)
I'm not sure how much this was but I think it was around £3-£4 (but it's definitely not over £6)

Next is the Kate Moss lipstick (I love the packaging because its so simple yet beautiful)


This is the number 38 and is a gorgeous nude / pink colour
I thought this would compliment the blush as well because they're both such neutral colours

 This is the Maybelline brow satin

I got the colour dark brown and it matches the colour of my eyebrows really well. I only use it to lightly fill them in.
However, this is the first time I've actually tried an eyebrow pencil so I'm not sure how much better any others are.
Lastly, is the Maybelline master precise eyeliner pen in black.
I thought this would be perfect to use so that I was able to draw thin and precise lines.
And I could really use all the help I could get when it comes to eyeliner!
So that is all for my makeup haul for today.
I know it's not much but I tend to try and buy makeup in reasonable amounts at a time so that I'm not spending loads at once!
If any of you have any drugstore makeup suggestions or have tried any of these products out too then leave a comment down below of what you think about them.
Thanks for reading everyone and I hope you all have a lovely rest of the week.

My life in a blog


  1. Great post!

  2. I've recently been testing Smashbox makeup. I really like the eye primer and it strengthens your eyeshadow and stays on all day. The mascara is also perfect for me. Makes them long and not clumpy at all. You can get tasters of the products. It's a little set of small versions of the products so you can see whether you like them and if you do you can get the bigger version.

    You should check out my blog x

    1. They sound really good, I might have to try them out one time! Thanks for the recommendation x


Thanks for reading everyone! x