Thursday 7 May 2015

Baking disaster!

Hello everyone!
Today, even though it's a school day, me and my sister thought it would be fun to make some more cookies. Sorry about the overload of cookies over the past week or so, but seeing as you can never have enough cookies, I don't see that there's too much to be sorry about! :)
This time instead of making Tanya Burr's triple chocolate cookies, I made her normal cookies with chocolate chunks.
However, things went a bit differently than what I had expected.
Quick brief:
Basically, our oven has been broken for months now but my parents have decided not to get a new one until we have our kitchen redone. I have not the slightest clue on how long that will take but for now we make do with a pretty convenient microwave oven.
Back to actual point I was talking about.
So, me and my sister put the first batch of cookies in the oven (let's just call it an oven to make things easier) and everything was fine. That quickly changed though.
After preheating the oven again I think I must have accidently pressed cool or something like that and that's when things went a bit wrong. Basically, we were both washing and tidying everything away until we started to smell something burning...
And I'm sure you can guess what happened after that. On the bright side, we did end up using half of that batch seeing as it wasn't too bad.
So, in the end we had five really nice cookies and three ish ones.
Overall, it wasn't too bad I guess...?

The cookies before they went in the oven...

Of course, you can't bake without having to clean up sadly

These were the non burnt cookies!

I hope that none of you have an experience like mine with your cookies and I'm sure you won't because they'll be amazing!
Comment below if any of you make cookies or if you've had a bad experience like mine!
My life in a blog

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