Sunday 26 April 2015

Baking cookies

Today I thought that I was going to be going shopping whilst my mum went to buy some food, but as it turned out my plans ended up changing (again). So I thought that today would be another boring, homework occupied sunday.
However, I took it upon myself to have a look at Tanya Burrs cookie recipe that she made recently and talks about in her blog. Seeing as I was not already busy I was able to prepare and cook them myself. I also had the ingredients that I needed already in my house, so that wasn't a problem either.
First of all I measured all the ingredients that I needed.

As you can see there was a bit of mess that was created during this process

 Then I mixed the sugar and butter together

Next I added in all of the chocolate which I broke into pieces 
As you can see, things got a bit messy in the end (this is my sister btw)
This is the finished product :)

 This isn't the full method of how to make these cookies but I thought I'd share with you a bit of it. 
So, that was the process of my chocolate cookies that taste absolutely heavenly (even if I do say so myself). I hope that you all had a good day today. Maybe you could leave some recipes or share some of your creations in the comments below.

My life in a blog

Monday 20 April 2015

Beach days

So, yesterday I went to the beach with my mum and one of my sisters. However, because I am sooo unorganised at the minute, I completely forgot to blog about it (sorry about that!) I'd also like to apologise for being completely inconsistent with my blogs and yes I know I also haven't blogged anything for a while but now I'm back!
Moving on from apologising, I'd actually like to talk about my day.
So on sunday my mum, sister and I thought that it would be fun to go to the cinema and watch insurgent because it looked freaking awesome! but sadly there was a change of plans, seeing as it was on late at night and obviously it was school the next day (insert crying face here). So I was pretty bummed about that, but nevertheless my day still turned out to be pretty fun.
Seeing as I was already dressed, I thought that I might as well go out and do something fun (rather than doing the rest of my homework and sitting in all day).
We ended up going to Barry Island so that I could not only take some pictures for my art homework...(below are a few of the ones that I took)


But, I could also stop off for a drink and a snack (of course).

All in all, I had a pretty chilled out and overall lovely family day (well with some of them at least).
I hope all of you had a great weekend and I'll be updating you shortly on what I'll be doing in the week.
My life in a blog