Saturday 16 May 2015

Summer q&a // collab with emsi rose

I'm so excited about this blog post today because not only is it the first q&a on my page, but it's also the first collab I've done as well!
I had recently asked Emily -  Emsi Rose - if she would like to do a collab with me and she had said yes!
She is so lovely and her blog is amazing so you can either check out her blog by clicking her blogger name (which is inserted above) or I'll leave a link at the end.
I asked my instagram followers for summer related questions so thankyou to all my active followers and if you want to check out my instagram it's classy.unicorns (just click on it and it will take you straight to my account!
Bikini or swimming costume?
I'd have to go with bikini because I find them much more flattering and I prefer the design.
Top tip for enjoying summer?
Probably just to forget about everything that you're stressing and worrying about and just enjoy yourself! (seeing as you only have 6 weeks - depending on where you live - to do this, so make the most of it)
Flip flops or sandals?
I'd have to say flip flops in the day time because they're more comfortable and sandals in the evenings seeing as they're more appropriate for going out.
Spring or summer?
It would definitely have to be summer for me because you have a few weeks to just enjoy yourself. It's also sunny (well supposed to be anyway) so you can get a tan and do everything you love. I especially love going to the beach, hanging out with friends, watching the sunsets and having campfires!
Snow cones or shaved ice?
I'd probably have to go with snow cones because most places will sell them rather than shaved ice but I like both of them really. 
That is all for the q&a today. If you would like to see more of these on my channel then comment down below because they're actually really fun to do and it also gets my followers more involved too!
Also, check out Emily's post as well if you haven't already
Thank you for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful day!

My life in a blog

Monday 11 May 2015

Makeup haul

Hello everyone!
Today I thought I'd do something different from what I usually post.
Seeing as I went to boots on the weekend I thought it would be the perfect time to write a blog about the products that I bought and show you what they are.
Firstly, I would just like to tell you that I haven't tried most of them out yet but from the reviews and good things that I've heard about them, they should be amazing.
And secondly I'd like to point out that I don't tend to spend much on makeup at the moment seeing as I'm only in the beginners stage at doing makeup. So these products aren't expensive at all and are really affordable for pretty much everyone!

First up is the Rimmel London blusher in pink rose (number 020)
I'm not sure how much this was but I think it was around £3-£4 (but it's definitely not over £6)

Next is the Kate Moss lipstick (I love the packaging because its so simple yet beautiful)


This is the number 38 and is a gorgeous nude / pink colour
I thought this would compliment the blush as well because they're both such neutral colours

 This is the Maybelline brow satin

I got the colour dark brown and it matches the colour of my eyebrows really well. I only use it to lightly fill them in.
However, this is the first time I've actually tried an eyebrow pencil so I'm not sure how much better any others are.
Lastly, is the Maybelline master precise eyeliner pen in black.
I thought this would be perfect to use so that I was able to draw thin and precise lines.
And I could really use all the help I could get when it comes to eyeliner!
So that is all for my makeup haul for today.
I know it's not much but I tend to try and buy makeup in reasonable amounts at a time so that I'm not spending loads at once!
If any of you have any drugstore makeup suggestions or have tried any of these products out too then leave a comment down below of what you think about them.
Thanks for reading everyone and I hope you all have a lovely rest of the week.

My life in a blog

Thursday 7 May 2015

Baking disaster!

Hello everyone!
Today, even though it's a school day, me and my sister thought it would be fun to make some more cookies. Sorry about the overload of cookies over the past week or so, but seeing as you can never have enough cookies, I don't see that there's too much to be sorry about! :)
This time instead of making Tanya Burr's triple chocolate cookies, I made her normal cookies with chocolate chunks.
However, things went a bit differently than what I had expected.
Quick brief:
Basically, our oven has been broken for months now but my parents have decided not to get a new one until we have our kitchen redone. I have not the slightest clue on how long that will take but for now we make do with a pretty convenient microwave oven.
Back to actual point I was talking about.
So, me and my sister put the first batch of cookies in the oven (let's just call it an oven to make things easier) and everything was fine. That quickly changed though.
After preheating the oven again I think I must have accidently pressed cool or something like that and that's when things went a bit wrong. Basically, we were both washing and tidying everything away until we started to smell something burning...
And I'm sure you can guess what happened after that. On the bright side, we did end up using half of that batch seeing as it wasn't too bad.
So, in the end we had five really nice cookies and three ish ones.
Overall, it wasn't too bad I guess...?

The cookies before they went in the oven...

Of course, you can't bake without having to clean up sadly

These were the non burnt cookies!

I hope that none of you have an experience like mine with your cookies and I'm sure you won't because they'll be amazing!
Comment below if any of you make cookies or if you've had a bad experience like mine!
My life in a blog

Monday 4 May 2015

Family day out

Hi everyone, seeing as this bank holiday weekend is almost over I thought I'd share with you what I did yesterday.
As you can probably tell from the title, I went out with my family.
First of all we went to techniquest; which for those of you who don't know is a place where there's loads of cool science stuff but made fun. We stayed there for a few hours so by the time we were out of there it was probably about 5:30. 
This would have been the perfect time to go and get some dinner / brunch? 
Well it would have been apart from the minor detail that we had to wait 30 minutes before we could actually get a table! 
In the meantime we decided to stop off for a well needed starbucks (because you can never have enough starbucks)
By the time we had finished we walked back over to pizza express and thankfully we got a table in the end.
I had a lovely meal with both a starter, main and dessert! However, I only took a picture of the main (below) 

Once I got back I decided to take a long, relaxing bath which was the perfect end to a lovely day! 
I hope you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend!
My life in a blog

Sunday 26 April 2015

Baking cookies

Today I thought that I was going to be going shopping whilst my mum went to buy some food, but as it turned out my plans ended up changing (again). So I thought that today would be another boring, homework occupied sunday.
However, I took it upon myself to have a look at Tanya Burrs cookie recipe that she made recently and talks about in her blog. Seeing as I was not already busy I was able to prepare and cook them myself. I also had the ingredients that I needed already in my house, so that wasn't a problem either.
First of all I measured all the ingredients that I needed.

As you can see there was a bit of mess that was created during this process

 Then I mixed the sugar and butter together

Next I added in all of the chocolate which I broke into pieces 
As you can see, things got a bit messy in the end (this is my sister btw)
This is the finished product :)

 This isn't the full method of how to make these cookies but I thought I'd share with you a bit of it. 
So, that was the process of my chocolate cookies that taste absolutely heavenly (even if I do say so myself). I hope that you all had a good day today. Maybe you could leave some recipes or share some of your creations in the comments below.

My life in a blog

Monday 20 April 2015

Beach days

So, yesterday I went to the beach with my mum and one of my sisters. However, because I am sooo unorganised at the minute, I completely forgot to blog about it (sorry about that!) I'd also like to apologise for being completely inconsistent with my blogs and yes I know I also haven't blogged anything for a while but now I'm back!
Moving on from apologising, I'd actually like to talk about my day.
So on sunday my mum, sister and I thought that it would be fun to go to the cinema and watch insurgent because it looked freaking awesome! but sadly there was a change of plans, seeing as it was on late at night and obviously it was school the next day (insert crying face here). So I was pretty bummed about that, but nevertheless my day still turned out to be pretty fun.
Seeing as I was already dressed, I thought that I might as well go out and do something fun (rather than doing the rest of my homework and sitting in all day).
We ended up going to Barry Island so that I could not only take some pictures for my art homework...(below are a few of the ones that I took)


But, I could also stop off for a drink and a snack (of course).

All in all, I had a pretty chilled out and overall lovely family day (well with some of them at least).
I hope all of you had a great weekend and I'll be updating you shortly on what I'll be doing in the week.
My life in a blog


Sunday 1 March 2015

Spending time with family

Today was actually a pretty good day.
First of all my dad went quite early to go and collect his new car that he'd bought (which was actually a really nice one)
Then my parents decided it would be nice if we all went out for a few hours for lunch & for a walk.
We drove in my dads new car & it was really nice.
We went to Barry Island to the beach & fun fair (but didn't actually go on any rides, boo!)
Afterwards we decided to go to a cute little cafe to get some lunch & it was really nice.
They had loads of amazing photos hanging up around the cafe & it looked so pretty.
I took a couple of photos whilst I was there but sadly I don't actually know how to upload them from my mums camera to my computer (so sorry to disappoint you all, I know you were all looking forward to it ;)
Once we'd finished our lunch we headed back but stopped off at my nans on the way back.
Sadly my dad had to fly to Germany once we got back home because he goes away with work :(
Me & my sister had netball after that so my mum drove us there & then we got a costa afterwards (which was much needed)
Sadly I've still got school tomorrow though :(
Thanks for reading everyone & I'll try & post as much as I can for u all

My life in a blog

Sunday 22 February 2015

My first blog

Hi guys, 
So as you'll probably notice from my creative title (not) , that I am new to the blogging community! 
I decided after seeing many many youtubers using this app that I'd give it a go myself & so far I'm still trying to get the hang of it. 
Once I've mastered everything (or atleast some of it) then I'm sure my blogs will be a heck of a lot more interesting than this (well I hope so anyway) 
If anyone would like to see my updated blogs every week (if I can keep on top of everything) then please follow my page. 
I'd love to know what all your interests & hobbies are! 

My life in a blog