Sunday 1 March 2015

Spending time with family

Today was actually a pretty good day.
First of all my dad went quite early to go and collect his new car that he'd bought (which was actually a really nice one)
Then my parents decided it would be nice if we all went out for a few hours for lunch & for a walk.
We drove in my dads new car & it was really nice.
We went to Barry Island to the beach & fun fair (but didn't actually go on any rides, boo!)
Afterwards we decided to go to a cute little cafe to get some lunch & it was really nice.
They had loads of amazing photos hanging up around the cafe & it looked so pretty.
I took a couple of photos whilst I was there but sadly I don't actually know how to upload them from my mums camera to my computer (so sorry to disappoint you all, I know you were all looking forward to it ;)
Once we'd finished our lunch we headed back but stopped off at my nans on the way back.
Sadly my dad had to fly to Germany once we got back home because he goes away with work :(
Me & my sister had netball after that so my mum drove us there & then we got a costa afterwards (which was much needed)
Sadly I've still got school tomorrow though :(
Thanks for reading everyone & I'll try & post as much as I can for u all

My life in a blog